Source code for kittycad.models.async_api_call_type

from enum import Enum

[docs]class AsyncApiCallType(str, Enum): """The type of async API call.""" # noqa: E501 """# File conversion. """ # noqa: E501 FILE_CONVERSION = "FileConversion" """# File volume. """ # noqa: E501 FILE_VOLUME = "FileVolume" """# File center of mass. """ # noqa: E501 FILE_CENTER_OF_MASS = "FileCenterOfMass" """# File mass. """ # noqa: E501 FILE_MASS = "FileMass" """# File density. """ # noqa: E501 FILE_DENSITY = "FileDensity" """# File surface area. """ # noqa: E501 FILE_SURFACE_AREA = "FileSurfaceArea"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value)